
Investing in Staff Training: When and How
Employee training is often seen as a necessary expense, but when done right, it becomes a powerful investment. The challenge is determining when it’s truly worth the time and resources and ensuring that the training aligns with your business goals. Not all training is...

Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Essential Insights for Aspiring Business Leaders
Navigating the complexities of leadership demands more than innovative ideas or a dynamic presence. You must cultivate sharp awareness, flexibility, and unwavering dedication. As you assume the role of a business leader, it's essential to recognize and sidestep...

Q4 2022
Here we are at the end of another year and things are still picking up speed! I had a quick and exciting trip to Nashville to witness the making of the audible version of C’mon Let’s Play, my latest book. The picture above is of the voice actor, Carrie Brewer, and me...

4 Reasons You May Need a Business Coach
Working with a business coach can provide several advantages, not the least of which is learning more about how to communicate more effectively with employees or clients. A great business coach can also help you stay motivated or develop a new ability, depending on...

How to Build a Flourishing Freelance Team From the Ground Up
If your business needs additional workers, it’s likely a sign that your company is on the right track. But what do you do if you can’t afford to hire a team of full-time employees? Can you still grow your business and accomplish your goals? Yes, you sure can. Today,...

Let’s Get This Band Back Together!
Things are getting back to… normal? New normal? Sort of normal, but still work from home sometimes? With no masks… some masks … We Don’t Need No Stink’en Masks, usually… well, if you have a cold… ok not back to normal-normal! Let’s face it, our teams have been...

The Declaration is Independence!
and the Do you believe that you cannot make decisions without consulting or gaining the approval of someone else? Are there circumstances that you feel dictate what you can and cannot do, such as a lack of money or education, a feeling you are too old or too young? Do...

What Are You Thinking?
A favorite book of mine is The Science of Getting Rich*. It’s not about making a big pile of money; it’s about enriching all aspects of life. Think about things like: our health, relationships, how we earn, and the environment in which we live. While dealing with...

Change Maker
Coaching wasn’t part of my job description, but it was something I really enjoyed while working in corporate America. There are a variety of reasons why some people are miserable in their position at work: their boss, the work they do, the person next to them, or a...

Numb Spots
I have numb spots in my brain and I’ve come to feel that I need them. Sometimes they help me in my work and sometimes they prevent me from freaking out. When I was little, some of the neighborhood parents created a girls’ club for girls my age. They asked us to...