A favorite book of mine is The Science of Getting Rich*. It’s not about making a big pile of money; it’s about enriching all aspects of life. Think about things like: our health, relationships, how we earn, and the environment in which we live.

While dealing with cancer, I found so much to be grateful for when it came to good health. Everything else was working. My biological system was affected, but my amazing system would recuperate. My heart pumped, and I could talk, read, comprehend, and write. Even at my worst, a whole lot was still going well, ok – except that I was bald. Plus, I could easily get to the freezer for my mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Wallace D. Wattles wrote about how everything begins with a thought, and my interpretation of his writing is that given enough time, that thought can become a belief and the belief can become a fact of our life. Repetitive thoughts and beliefs are signals to the Universe. They are tendrils sharing our desires, intentions, and expectations. The signals amplify when associated with emotional intensity. Emotions are the juice.

A [person’s] way of doing things is the direct result of the way [s/he] thinks about things.


 – Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich (Virginia: Thrifty Books, 2009) Originally Published in 1910)

It doesn’t really matter if it is overwhelming gratitude for what we have or overwhelming despair over what we lack. When we focus our attention on something, the Universe reads it as our intention to have that, or more of that thing. After long periods of paying attention to something it becomes a belief like “I’ll Never Get Ahead!”  Yep, you’re right because you believe it and can even point to examples to prove it. When fueled by emotions like anger, frustration, and despair, your belief becomes a fact. Your reality, in this case, is that you can’t get ahead.

This works equally as well for both positive, and negative thoughts. For example, if you think, I’ll never get ahead, you get results that prove that thought to you.  When fueled by emotions like anger, frustration, and despair, your belief becomes your very own fact and reality. In this case, you chose to begin with the end of “you can’t get ahead”.

So imagine the effect of pairing positive thinking, feeling, and beginning with a positive end in mind. This gives you responsibility for the life you would actually want to live. 

The message here is you can reverse the negative expectation that you may have. Begin by playing around with the concept of reframing your beliefs on something small.

Because I have found so much information on this topic and because I really enjoy the concept, I am offering a live What Are You Thinking? webinar in two parts on May 25 & 27, 2021 at 6:00 pm central time. 

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If you believe that you are somehow less than other people, or that you’re stupid or unworthy of all the splendor the Universe has to offer, you’re not just speaking of yourself. The Universe is everywhere – right down to the smallest particles that make up everything, along with the spaces between. So, when you critique yourself, you’re actually critiquing the work of the Universe – is that really what you want to be doing?

I hope you’ll choose to enrich your life and give play around with this idea. Bring a little more joy into your life by changing just one negative thought about yourself or your capabilities. I’ll be sharing my first attempt in the May webinar. It’s accomplished by using the same process we’ve have used to find fault in ourselves. But now we’ll just come at it from the opposite direction.

Remember it’s 1.) what you’re thinking; 2.) how you’re thinking about what you’re thinking 3.) what you’re feeling about all what you’re thinking. Okay, you might need to reread that a couple of times.

For this to work, you must be willing to play. To me, the payoff of being willing to play with all of this is to experience the freedom to think wonderful things about our lives and our possibilities. If you experience a lot of negative self-talk, it could take a little time, but just give it a try; C’mon Let’s Play!

 Save the dates for the webinar What Are You Thinking? 

Tues 5/25 and Thurs 5/27/2021 6:00pm Central Time

Watch for news the upcoming webinar and on book signing events – post COVID-19!

 Next Month: The Declaration is Independence!

 C’mon Let’s Play! Living, Playing and Moving Forward

Cover of C'mon Let's Play book
5.0 out of 5 stars Inspiration

A. Z. Reviewed in the United States on March 10, 2021